Wealth of Knowledge

It is a very well documented thing that as baby boomers retire they are taking a great wealth of knowledge, wisdom and leadership skills with them. Recently, I had one of those boomers, a daughter-in-law of a client, email me on the weekend asking me to call her on...


Every time I am in a client’s home I have to talk to them about things they don’t like to talk about. It just happens most people don’t like to talk about having to go to the hospital, or worse, dying.  So as I go about creating or reviewing their emergency...

Stuck in Park

The lady I met yesterday lived in a lake house. She was bruised from a recent fall, and spoke but would get stuck on her words. Her daughter was quick to tell me that she was not suffering from dementia, she just has difficulty getting the words out. A three-wheeled...

Who Is The Hero

When I walk into a new client’s home it can be easy for me to look around and think… “Same story, different house.” The story goes a little like this. A relatively healthy person gets sick or has an injury. They hold out as long as possible before asking for help....

Love To Walk

I am an amputee, and when I don’t have my prosthetic on, I am at a disadvantage. It’s hard for me to remember running races or being able to play kick ball or even stepping up a curb without stopping to adjust to the terrain. People who know me can attest to the fact...